A Spirit Booster

aaaaaaaaa……..Sekarang, hari ini, saya berada di titik paling rendah, lagi-lagi karena being stuck in the middle of thesis writing. Ketika pikiran saya sedang blank, tiba-tiba datang sebuah pesan whatsapp yg bunyinya kira-kira seperti ini:


halo apa kabar sayangku baru ngapain? bapak baru denger albumya frank sinatra, tenangkan pikiranmu denger musik klasik spt beethoven trus konsen pd tugasmu pokoknya tdk ada yg tdk bisa diselesaikan”.


and…I couldn’t say any words, my eyes just shed tears…yup,.that’s my dad!

Love U dad,..as always!

A Coffee Table Discussion

Well,..the reason why I join the coffee table discussion is I want to learn how to deliver the message that compile in my mind through my mouth in sequence and clearly.

I admit it is hard and not easy at all for someone like me who always gets nervous when have to speak in front of large number of new people for the first time. But I’m pretty sure that I’m a good and fast learner so I can master it very soon.
What I have to do is practicing actively through the weekly coffee-table-discussion program. And I find it is fun^^

Cheers everyone! 😀


Here is with a group of friends in the first A Coffee Table Discussion