Be focusing on studying!

Ratih,……you must focus on studying more lady!!!!

A lot of books that have not been read yet!!

The more you read the book, the more you study, the more knowledge you get!!!!!!!!!!

one of must read book ever!



Today………it might be her one of biggest day in her life……..

And I should have been happy on her…no,,……In fact I am.

And I know she couldn’t be happier than ever…….that’s why neither could I…….



why I feel empty somehow

Filipino ~ Indonesia

I had ever said “selamat” to mbak Lidya for the reason which now unfortunately I forgot why. Then suddenly my Filipinos friend, Raymond, said “wow,I have that word in my language also”. He said that “selamat” , in difference pronounce – “salamat”  has meaning “thank you” which I said totally different with Indonesian language which is meaning “congratulation”. But anyway it still dragged my curiosity.

courtesy by Rizki Amalia

Someday mbak Kiki, mbak Lidya, one of my another Filipinos girl friend – Shanee, and I were talking while snacking in our roof top of engineering building. When mbak Lidya talked to mbak Kiki about the price in MyeongDong, they mentioned “mahal”, suddenly Shanee said “umm,…mahal…is that expensive?” goshh….another same word between Filipino and bahasa Indonesia!!

Then the conversation ended with we asked Shanee bout some words that could have same meaning in two languages.

“mahal”, “murah”, “sayang”…….I don’t know how Filipinos write them but they have same pronounce… 🙂


And finally yesterday when four of us ate 튀김 (Korean fried snack – like Indonesian gorengan) mbak Kiki said that we had more same word – “sakit”….hahahahaha, was getting interesting when Shanee answered that Filipino language has past-present-future form!!

Like “sayang” can changed into “sinayang” or “nasayang”…. 😀

It could be like this because the words might be derived from Austronesia language – I haven’t done small research bout this yet. (mbak Kiki banget bo’! – riset,..riset…riset…hahahaha)

what makes me wonder till now is why our language doesn’t have past-present-future form…….

answered by mbak Lidya “mungkin yang njajah sampai Indonesia orangnya males ngajarin kali…yaudah kata dasar aja yang dipake..” hahahahahahaha………..



Walaupun setiap hari (bahkan saat) kepala dipenuhi kata2 yang akan dirangkai dalam halaman ini tetapi perasaan malas menulis tetap menghantui.


Saya berdeklarasi mulai hari akan mulai sering menuangkan kata2 dan menyempatkan waktu ke blog yang saya buat dengan niatan ini…amin!

Seoul, 8 Juni 2012



Mungkinkah…….? We’ll see